Friday, January 16, 2009

Fresh Friday

Well, I think it's a no-brainer as to what I've been working on. The new look for UD+M was unveiled earlier this week. I'm thrilled with the way it has turned out. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, go here.

My inspiration for this site was the Swiss style (also know at the International Style) developed by Josef Müeller Brockmann (Read about him here. See some of his work here). Contrary to many of the modern movements that followed the Swiss style, Brockmann created absolutes in graphic design with the use of the grid system, divine proportion, type standards, and negative space. Following these absolutes creates an incredibly contrasting, clean, orderly reader experience. Information is clearly expressed, thus understood.

As a designer, my inspiration pulls me is a hundred different directions for the same project. I concepted and revised my layout over and over as new ideas began to form and technologies allowed for new features. But ultimately, I had to step back and ask myself, 1) What am I trying to convey?, and 2) How can I best achieve that?Ultimately, the answer to #1 is to showcase my work to potential clients. The answer to #2, then, is showcase my work to potential clients. By following the International Style, I was able to minimize technological noise (bells, whistles, mouseovers, exit points) and allow my work to do what it is supposed to do (hopefully!).


Anonymous said...

Much better than!