Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

(ok, so Raechel said that if you write in parentheses, it doesn't count. So, in addition to the images here on this 'Wordless Wednesday', I just launched the new version of my website. After many concepts, revisions, and code, here's a shameless plug for my new site launch at UD+M.)


Anonymous said...

The new game packaging looks nice, but what was wrong with the "traditional" look? I assume it is intended to boost sales?

Your new website design is tremendous and other than the little glitch I already told you about it is near perfect. You might take a peek at the pages inside....the tiny black letters on black background are hard on these old eyes.

Christine said...

Ryan, you are fabulous. Just fabulous. I love the new website. From a layman's limited perspective, it just looks and feels so slick, so polished, so together. You have a great sense of continuity in your design. I'm so proud to have such a talented friend!

ps: Rae's blog looks AWESOME.

Raechel said...

The Monopoly packaging is actually a student project, surprisingly enough! Pretty good stuff! If I were Parker Bros., I'd get this guy on the horn!